Text RSP to 545454 to get on text list
Standard $400-$500
$150 deposit to reserve
admits 4 includes 1 bottle.
Premium $500-$600
$200 deposit to reserve
admits 6 includes1 bottle.
Ultimate $1000 -$1100
$400 deposit to reserve
admits 10 includes 2 bottles.
Stage $1500+ (depending on bottle choice)
$500 to reserve
admits 10 includes 3 bottles.
Questions text 4047353501
$2 Wings
$10 Premium Drinks
2 for $400 Bottles
Section Deposits
Premium admits 4
$100 deposit
Requires 1 bottle or minim spend of $250.00
Ultimate admits 8
$200 deposit
Requires 2 bottles or minimum spend of $400
Questions / Reserve text 4047353501
Text RSP to 545454 to get on list
Upgraded Fridays Nightlife Party
VIP Sections
State of art Sound & Lighting
Questions call or text 404 735 3501
Celebrity Guest
Bottles Specials
The Best Nightlife Experience in Atlanta
Reserve VIP sections at 404 735 3501